This is readable but not enthralling. There are 3 books in this series but once you have read one you have read them all! Similar plots, similar characters, just different names.
Bought the entire series bc a review said these books were fun. NOT. Most boring poorly written books I have ever read. Same exact formula for every book. Girl keeps getting injured, spends entire book sleeping in her sick bed while everyone else stands around engaging in horribly written stale dialog. The only break we get from the boring dialog is when the author uses crass uncouth words not suitable outside a brothel...
Merewen Stewart is anxious to meet and marry her betrothed, Alexander d'Aumesbery. She wants to leave her home and start a new life. Merry's father and brothers are drunkards and while Merry works hard to keep the castle running, they only work hard trying to get the whiskey she hides from them. Merry's hopes are dashed when she arrives at Alex's home to find her betrothed as drunk as her father and brothers usually are. All...