In Talking Sex, Vanessa Hamilton fearlessly explores the complex topic of talking to children about sex and sexuality.
Children benefit from learning about bodies and relationships, age appropriately, from a young age. Drawing from extensive experience and contemporary research, this groundbreaking book challenges readers to reconsider outdated beliefs about sex and sexuality education. It's packed with conversation starters, tips and strategies to empower parents and carers to provide the accurate, comprehensive, age-appropriate information children need for a fulfilling and safe journey through life.
Talking Sex covers a variety of topics including childhood sexual safety, diversity, reproduction, pleasure, consent and sexual health - because, after all, most conversations about human sexuality have hardly anything to do with what we commonly think of as 'sex'.
Your children are getting a sexuality education every day from the world around them. But is it the one you want them to receive?
Who do you want to tell your child about each topic related to sex, human sexuality, consent and respect? Hopefully the answer is you.
Children don't need 'sex ed', they need sexuality education, information and conversations. Become the askable and tellable adult that children need you to be.