Enchanting Original Tales about the Celebration of Christmas
Contained in this book are ten unique stories relating to the celebration of the Christmas season. Some are fanciful, while others are more realistic, but each has its own message and ideas for thought and reflection. These tales have their settings in a wide diversity of locations, such as Bethlehem, Austria, modern America, ancient America, and the North Pole. This gives great variety to the stories which creates more interest and pleasure for the reader. The Christmas holidays are very special for people throughout the Christian world. It is a time of joy, of happiness, of sharing, of spending moments together with family and friends. The tales in this book have been written to reflect this unique period of the year and also with the intention to create enjoyment for the young as well as the older generation. It is anticipated that the stories may be shared as people gather together with loved ones at this wonderful festive season. Accompanying these stories are twenty-five charming illustrations which add increased delight and interest to the tales. These pictures are masterfully created to bring to life many of the happenings in the narratives. It is the hope of the author that these Tales of Christmas will bring joy and pleasure to all readers.