This enchanting collection, retold by writer and critic Naomi Lewis, contains twelve of Hans Christian Andersen's magnificent stories. It includes Thumbelina, a little girl no more than a thumb-joint high, The Emperor's New Clothes, the tale of a man who cares only for his appearance...
Rediscover Puffin Classics - the world's favourite stories. This enchanting collection, retold by writer and critic Naomi Lewis, contains twelve of Hans Christian Andersen's magnificent stories. It includes Thumbelina , a little girl no more than a thumb-joint high, The Emperor's...
Here is a wonderful toy-box overflowing with sparkling new translations of Hans Christian Andersen stories, written for young children with all the warmth, wit and character of the 19th-century originals. Emma Chichester-Clark's combination of magical images combined with Naomi...
This selection of twelve of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales includes all the favorites as well as some less familiar stories. Includes "Thumbelina", "The Snow Queen", "The Emperor's New Clothes", "Dance, Dolly, Dance", "The Goblin at the Grocer's" and others.
This collection of twenty-six tales features reproductions of the original illustrations by Vilhelm Pedersen and Lorenz Frolich, especially photographed from the drawings in the Hans Andersen Museum at Odense.
These 26 tales include all of Andersen's classics -- like "Thumbelina", "The Little Mermaid", and "The Ugly Duckling" -- along with some less familiar stories.