Alice Griffin shares the story of how she embarked on a travel adventure with her young family during the first two years of her daughter's life. Taking in Norway, Greece, France and Spain on the way, Alice weaves an inspiring travelogue with practical advice to help other mums and dads who enjoy interesting and authentic travel to continue with their baby or toddler on board. As well as sharing her own story Alice has interviewed other travelling mums to provide even more tips and personal experience. Inside you will find practical tips related to: * Essentials - important stuff like packing and passports * Feeding - how to keep your baby well-fed without getting weighed down * Sleeping - rest tips for bouncing babies so parents can still enjoy their holiday * Playing & Pacifying - things to take along to keep your child entertained on long trips * Mobility - advice for taking your young children by plane, boat, train, bus and car Whether you prefer to go off-the-beaten track to indulge your spirit for adventure, or simply want to enjoy a well-earned all-inclusive break, all the inspiration and advice you need is inside. Travel need not stop when love and babies come along