This book of fiction tells of the family Matriarch, Thelma who stops at nothing to remain in control of everyone's lives. Even her adult children. She pulls the strings as if they are puppets as she controls a dysfunctional family with a toxic environment. Her enablers defend and pacify her as their entire family deteriorates on a path of destruction. Read about the deceit, hurt, pain, depression, sexual deviances, and narcotics abuse in this family that is controlled by someone who worships two gods. Sam and Robert have the strength to break away from the toxic environment and find themselves ostracized and alienated at the wishes of their own mother. The Tale of A Broken Family will take you on a journey of sadness, disbelief, and shock. It will have you rallying for fairness, honesty, and love for those who choose the right path and, in the end, morality wins.