A young Amish woman's father is the bishop in the community and he is preparing to shun her love interest. The young man defies the bishop and wants to leave the Amish community on his own accord. Will she follow his lead or risk being shunned by her father forever?
Jessa Troyer was devastated. Her father was the bishop of their small community and today he had made the hardest decision of his life.
"No," her father, Lee Troyer, said sternly. "I have made my decision and it's final."
Jessa didn't care that her Papa had made a hard decision, because it wasn't his future that was going to be affected; it was hers. Jessa stormed out of the house, knowing that any further argument would be foolish. She made the short trek to the barn not far away, which is where she would go to think and verbally process any troubles she might have with her horse.
I can't believe Papa She thought to herself. He always talks of including more technology to help the farmers make a living, but when someone he doesn't like brings something new...