The Tadger Tales is a book written by Jane Shaw Ward. It is a collection of short stories that revolve around the character of Tadger, a mischievous and adventurous young boy. The stories are set in a small town in the countryside, and each tale follows Tadger as he embarks on...
The Tadger Tales is a book written by Jane Shaw Ward. It is a collection of short stories that revolve around the life of Tadger, a mischievous little creature who lives in the forest. The stories are aimed at young readers and are full of fun and adventure.In the book, readers...
The Tadger Tales is a book written by Jane Shaw Ward. It is a collection of short stories that follow the adventures of a young boy named Tadger. Tadger is a curious and adventurous child who loves to explore the world around him. Each story in the book takes Tadger on a new...
This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for...
The Tadger Tales is a book written by Jane Shaw Ward. It is a collection of short stories that revolve around the lives of tadgers, which are small creatures similar to hedgehogs. The book is aimed at children and is filled with colorful illustrations that bring the tadgers and...