Part I Extreme swimming in the natural environment
1 Salmonid reproductive migration and effects on sexual maturation
Hayashida K, Fukaya K, Palstra AP, Ueda H
2 Extreme swimming: the oceanic migrations of anguillid eels
Righton D, Aarestrup K, Jellyman D, Sebert P, van den Thillart GEEJM, Tsukamoto K
3 Physiology of swimming and migration in tunas
Shadwick RE, Schiller L, Fudge D
Part II Potential impacts on swimming fish in aquaculture
4 Forced and preferred swimming speeds of fish ? A methodological approach
Tudorache C, de Boeck G, Claireaux G
5 Effects of turbulence on fish swimming in aquaculture
Liao JC, Cotel A
6 The effect of hypoxia on fish swimming performance and behaviour
Domenici P, Herbert, NA, Lefran?ois C, Steffensen JF, McKenzie DJ
7 Exercise, stress and welfare
Huntingford FA, Kadri S
Part III Nutrition, energy metabolism and muscular growth in swimming fish
8 Swimming enhanced growth
Davison W, Herbert NA
9 Metabolic fuel utilization during swimming: Optimizing nutritional requirements for enhanced performance
Magnoni LJ, Felip O, Blasco J, Planas JV
10 Transcriptomic and proteomic response of skeletal muscle to swimming-induced exercise in fish
Planas JV, Mart?n-P?rez M, Magnoni LJ, Blasco J, Ibarz A, Fernandez-Borras J, Palstra AP
11 Molecular adaptive mechanisms in the cardiac muscle of exercised fish
Takle H, Castro V
12 Exercise effects on fish quality and implications for consumer preferences
Rasmussen RS, L?pez Albors O, Alfnes F
13 Swimming effects on developing zebrafish
Kranenbarg S, Pelster B
14 Exercise physiology of zebrafish: Swimming effects on skeletal and cardiac muscle growth, on the immune system and the involvement of the stress axis
Palstra AP, Schaaf M, Planas JV
Part IV Novel technologies for studying fish swimming and aquaculture applications
15 Swimming flumes as a tool for studying swimming behavior and physiology: current applications and future developments
Ellerby DJ, Herskin J
16 Practical aspects of induced exercise in finfish aquaculture
Herbert NA
17 Robotic fish to lead the school
Rossi C, Coral W, Barrientos A