Swigatha came about as the result of a re-read by me of all the books by Agatha Christie that I had first encountered as a child. These books were all in paperback editions, published by Fontana and Pan in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s, and most of them were second-hand.
Swigatha contains a review in chronological order of each book, including a brief look at the plot, then the characters and the attitudes of the characters at the time, supported by many quotations from the text. Each one is given a totally subjective Swigatha rating, a what-happened-next item and a few notes about some of the on-screen adaptations. It Is designed to be either read In sequence or dipped into, with the result that some background autobiographical details that are relevant to more than one story are repeated.
The review also considers the actual book itself: its front and back covers, its condition and so on.