Beloved Louisiana lawman Dave Robicheaux returns--this time, traveling from New Iberia Parish to the wilds of Montana. Dave Robicheaux, his wife, and his buddy Clete Purcell have retreated to an old friend's ranch, hoping to spend their days fishing and enjoying...
Trouble follows Dave Robicheaux. James Lee Burke's new novel,Swan Peak, finds Detective Robicheaux far from his New Iberia roots, attempting to relax in the untouched wilderness of rural Montana. He, his wife, and his buddy Clete Purcell have retreated to stay at an old friend's...
2009 Audie Award Finalist for Mystery Beloved Louisiana lawman Dave Robicheaux returns--this time, traveling from New Iberia Parish to the wilds of Montana. Dave Robicheaux, his wife, and his buddy Clete Purcell have retreated to an old friend's ranch,...
Beloved Louisiana lawman Dave Robicheaux returns--this time, traveling from New Iberia Parish to the wilds of Montana. Dave Robicheaux, his wife, and his buddy Clete Purcell have retreated to an old friend's ranch, hoping to spend their days fishing and enjoying their...