Swan Mothers guides parents through the experience of raising autistic, ADHD, highly-sensitive, and otherwise uniquely magnificent children. The book relays stories of real mothers parenting not-what-I-expected children, and shares fresh tools and techniques for moving from frazzled and frustrated to living a fabulous life.
Before children, Natalia Erehnah laid the groundwork for what she believed would be perfect parenting. Her children, being their magnificently unique selves, taught her that perfection did not come from following formulas and philosophies, but in honoring them and herself exactly how and where they were.
Swan Mothers tells Natalia's story, and the stories of other mothers on conscious parenting journeys. It is full of insights, and packed with ideas for shifting your perspective and experience of your children, your life, and yourself.
You will experience many A-ha moments as you travel with us through the 7 Phases of the Hero's Journey:
Commonplace life when all is well in our world. Realizing that our children are not normal. Saying "No, thank you" to special parenting. Dealing with denial, anger, and grief. Acknowledging our children as they are. Beginning research and work to make them the way they are supposed to be. The long road of therapies and treatments, focusing on curing and recovering the lost "normal" child. Physical, emotional, and financial exhaustion and collapse from parenting challenging children. Awareness that there is no normal child to recover, there is only a child to see and love. Experiencing rebirth and seeing the world in a new way.Related Subjects
Parenting & Relationships