Suppressed Desires is a comedy play written by Susan Glaspell, featuring two episodes. The play revolves around the lives of two couples, Henrietta and Stephen Brewster, and their friends, Mabel and George Knapp. Henrietta is a woman who believes in the power of psychoanalysis...
Suppressed Desires is a comedic play written by Susan Glaspell. The play is divided into two episodes, each of which explores the theme of suppressed desires. The first episode centers around the character of Henrietta, a woman who is interested in psychoanalysis and dreams of...
Suppressed Desires is a comedic play written in two episodes by Susan Glaspell. The play follows the story of a married couple, Henrietta and Stephen Brewster, who are struggling to connect with each other on a deeper level. Henrietta is a modern, independent woman who is interested...