The world's greatest (and dorkiest) school-aged superhero, SUPER DWEEB, has been missing for weeks. Where is he - and can the world survive without his unique brand of doodle-powered crimefighting? In his absence, his home city has been overrun by imitators. Step forward fully automated hero Dweeb-Bot 4000, the ferocious Were-Pencil, and the mysterious Masked Eraser Which of these horribly derivative new characters will turn out to be the greatest threat the city has ever faced? Can Andy's best friend, Mona, and his little brother, Oscar, hold the fort in his absence? And what great SECRET will be revealed on his return?
This is the seventh book in the Super Dweeb series, written and illustrated by Blue Peter 2021 award-winner Jess Bradley. Told with a mixture of text and full-color comic-strip storytelling, this unpredictable, anarchic adventure story is perfect for readers aged 7-9.