A Definitive Book on How the Brain Evolves Through Every Stage of Life
The must-read summary of "We Are Our Brains: A Neurobiography of the Brain from the Womb to Alzheimer's," by D. F. Swaab
In We Are Our Brains, the renowned neuroscientist D.F. Swaab takes us on a guided tour of the intricate inner workings of our brains, with each chapter serving as a window on a different stage of brain development. He shows how gender identity anAd moral behavior develop, what goes on in the adolescent mind, and how we age. He looks at common brain diseases like addiction, autism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia; and explores the relationship between the brain and religion, the soul, the mind, and free will. This book demystifies the chemical and genetic workings of our most mysterious organ and helps us see who we are through new lenses.
Read this summary and find out how our brains predetermine everything about us long before we are born, from our moral character to our religious leanings, and sexual orientation.
This guide includes: