If you are in the boat of despair right now and convinced by the logic of your thoughts that suicide is the best form of relief, I am here to testify that you may not have all of the pieces.
Learn how to deal with suicidal thoughts.As a survivor of three suicide attempts and imprisoned with years of suicidal ideation, I fully empathize with every person who wishes to kill themselves as a means of relief from despair. However, knowing what I know now, I humbly offer the knowledge and processes that allowed me to move past my self-hate, depression, and grief and into a better-feeling place of peace and understanding.
It is not to late to find relief.Though you may have gifted your personal items, crafted a good-bye note, drafted a will, and finalized the place and means of ending your life, I invite you to pause and consider that some of the puzzle pieces that can eliminate suicidal thoughts are within reach. With more pieces added, greater clarity of the larger image unfolds, creating a new perspective on how to prevent and deal with the momentum of suicidal thoughts.
Author's Note:I believe each reader should be informed and empowered to make decisions that align with their interests prior to their purchase. The review system is intended to assist with that process. However, readers who purchase a book on finding relief from suicidal thoughts are not likely to post a public review as they do not want friends or family to know about their private thoughts to end their life or their effort to move past it. The consequence of limited reviews is that one negative comment can over-influence the process.
With that perspective, I encourage clicking the "Look Inside" feature of the digital version and read the free content to get a sense for the tools I use to communicate ideas. Further, I emphasize this is a book about finding relief from suicidal thoughts and the steps and processes I successfully used to shift my thoughts to those of death and anger to those of joy and adventure. Unfortunately, what inspires one person may offend another. If the material does not serve and support your well-being, you are eligible to return the eBook for a full refund but the request must be received within seven days of the date of purchase. The consequence to this brief refund policy means that not everyone who posts a comment or is listed as a Verified Purchase has read all of material. in spirit, L'eremita