Once upon a time in the small, serene town of Shiggaon in Karnataka, India, a girl was born into a family where knowledge was cherished and wisdom flowed freely. This girl, named Sudha Kulkarni, born on August 19, 1950, was to become a beacon of hope, wisdom, and inspiration for many. Her father, a surgeon, and her mother, a school teacher, nurtured her curiosity and intellect, laying a foundation that would shape her life's incredible journey.
Sudha's academic path was as brilliant as it was unconventional. She pursued Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the B.V.B. College of Engineering & Technology, a choice that was rare for women at the time. Her thirst for knowledge took her further to the Indian Institute of Science, where she mastered Computer Science, a field that was burgeoning with possibilities.
In the world of work, Sudha faced and overcame gender barriers. She became the first female engineer at TATA Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO), challenging and changing the "men only" status quo with courage and determination. Her journey at TELCO was not just about her work as a Development Engineer but about paving the way for future generations of women engineers.