This book provides practical guidance on:
Evaluating EMR ease-of-use Determining In-office vs. Web-based vs. Blended EMR deployment Deciding which user-interface approach to adopt Understanding structured vs. unstructured charting approaches Assessing EMR developer stability Obtaining legal advice about RFIs, RFPs and contract negotiations"The federal government has set aside significant incentives for physicians to adopt and implement electronic medical record systems. As providers across the country seek out various health IT tools and capabilities, this book serves as a remarkably useful, step-by-step guide for successfully deploying an EMR system. This kind of information will be imperative as we bring our health system into the 21st century."
--Newt Gingrich, Founder of The Center for Health Transformation, Former Speaker of the House, USA
Also endorsed by: Rep. Rush Holt (D NJ), Richard Dick, Ph.D. & Radu Kramer, M.D.