If you want to find a book that contains all the information a family will need to make an informed decision on the care of a loved one- when that time arrives, then keep reading. This Successful Aging Tips Book also addresses legal issues and paperwork to be in place when the time arrives when the loved one can no longer make decisions for him/her self.
After reading this Successful Aging Tips Book you will:
-understand how to "age in place" by learning how to evaluate the home environment, your physical needs, or the needs of a loved one
-be able to weigh several options of care for loved ones
-understand what government benefits for the elderly are, what they cover, and what they don't cover so you don't make uninformed decisions
-understand realize that there are many ways to pay for elder care, but that Medicare is not one of those ways
-no longer be susceptible to physical or financial abuse
-be motivated to take charge of your future and our collective futures because as long as we are alive, we have a future
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