All jokes aside, while students may gripe about having to shell out the bucks for this textbook, it is well worth the money. I've got an earlier edition and have used it a lot in the past. I found the later editions to be very up to date and quite useful as a reference for some of the clinical questions I encounter while working with patient education issues. In the days of picky insurance reimbursement, it's vital that all...
A medical textbook on nutrition, but it's easy for everyone to read if they're interested in healthy food choices.
I would reccomend this book for anyone interested in making healthier food choices. The ones who have the wish to improve their eating habits, but are not sure what those habits should be, will find here an amazing amount of helpful information in form of text, charts and even extensive calorie content tables. I use this book as a textbook for the course, but it could be read by anyone.
This really helped me with my class. I don't know what I would have done without it.
Overall, I found this text to be chocked full of helpful knowledge. I was required to purchase this book for a course I took in beginning nutrition, but I will keep it forever because of the wealth of knowledge. The concepts are suburbly explained and illustrations make understanding the information easier. Even though most people buy this for a class, I believe it is easy to read and assimilate the information. The Appendices...