A high-octane, globe-spanning thriller with storylines ripped from today's headlines, Strike Back focuses on two members of a top-secret intelligence agency known as Section 20: Michael Stonebridge, a British sergeant on the elite counter-terrorism team, and Damien Scott, a former...
A high-octane, globe-spanning thriller with storylines ripped from today's headlines, Strike Back focuses on two members of a top-secret intelligence agency known as Section 20: Michael Stonebridge, a British sergeant on the elite counter-terrorism team, and Damien Scott, a former...
A high-octane, globe-spanning thriller with storylines ripped from today's headlines, Strike Back focuses on two members of a top-secret intelligence agency known as Section 20: Michael Stonebridge, a British sergeant on the elite counter-terrorism team, and Damien Scott, a former...
A high-octane, globe-spanning thriller with storylines ripped from today's headlines, Strike Back focuses on two members of a top-secret intelligence agency known as Section 20: Michael Stonebridge, a British sergeant on the elite counter-terrorism team, and Damien Scott, a former...