Over 1 million copies sold With new exercises, additional stretches, and more of Fr d ric Delavier's signature illustrations, you'll gain a whole new understanding of how muscles perform during strength exercises. This one-of-a-kind best-seller combines the visual detail of top...
Strength Training Anatomy, Third Edition, offers the most compelling artwork ever applied to the strength training category and returns with more illustrations and techniques for safely building muscle. Strength and fitness enthusiasts worldwide have discovered the benefits of...
Discover for yourself the magic of Strength Training Anatomy , one of the best-selling strength training books ever published Get an intricate look at strength training from the inside out. Strength Training Anatomy , with over 850,000 copies already sold, brings anatomy to life...
Discover for yourself the magic of Strength Training Anatomy , one of the best-selling strength training books ever published Get an intricate look at strength training from the inside out. Strength Training Anatomy , with over 850,000 copies already sold, brings anatomy to life...