Scarecrow had been torn apart before, unstuffed, tortured-but none of that hurt as much as the fear that his beloved Theo
can't possibly love a man of straw and fabric.
Dorothy's ghost is haunting him, demanding the impossible. Could he really be a creature of dark, ancient magic-a threat
to the witch he loves?
Theo will never subject her sweet Scarecrow to her family's judgement. But when he goes missing, their Norwegian faery tales may hold her only hope of saving him! Can she survive the dark nights of Imber, when evil spirits ride?
The evil witches may be gone from Oz, but something nasty is afoot.
Young Ozma Tip must root out the horror from her land-even if it means risking a fight with an old enemy!
Will her magic be enough to escape a dangerous realm?
Needle & Straw Book 2