In this moving and uplifting tale, a young boy with a gift for music overcomes incredible obstacles to achieve greatness. With themes of perseverance, creativity, and the power of friendship, this novel is a testament to the human spirit and the potential for success in all...
In this moving and uplifting tale, a young boy with a gift for music overcomes incredible obstacles to achieve greatness. With themes of perseverance, creativity, and the power of friendship, this novel is a testament to the human spirit and the potential for success in all...
""Story of a Genius, or Cola Monti"" is a novel written by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik and published in 1864. The book tells the story of Cola Monti, a young boy with extraordinary talent and intelligence who is sent away to a boarding school in order to receive a proper education...
""Story Of A Genius, Or Cola Monti"" is a novel written by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik and first published in 1864. The book follows the life of a young boy named Cola Monti, who is a gifted and intelligent child with a passion for learning. Cola grows up in poverty, but his natural...