A thrilling, innovative novel about the interplay between nature and humankind by the author of Names on the Land. With Storm, first published in 1941, George R. Stewart invented a new genre of fiction, what we might today call the eco-novel. California...
Sweeping across the Pacific, a devastating storm wreaks havoc on San Francisco and the California coast and then moves relentlessly toward the Sierra Nevada, burying mountain passes and railroad tracks under tons of snow. First published in 1941, Storm presaged trends in literature...
Sweeping across the Pacific, a devastating storm wreaks havoc on San Francisco and the California coast and then moves relentlessly toward the Sierra Nevada, burying mountain passes and railroad tracks under tons of snow. First published in 1941, Storm presaged trends in literature...
a small story for y'all to get entertained during quarantine. story of a 14 year old girl who converted her life into a pandemic by just living her life like a normal teenager. how humans lack humanity, how humans love their own kind unconditionally, how kind-hearted...