Eva Luna era una cascada de cuentos contados a trav s de otros cuentos.
Pero el caudal estaba lejos de haberse agotado. En la cama con su amante, Eva Luna es requerida por ste para que le cuente un cuento "que jam s haya contado antes". Y la improvisada...
Told in the voice of Isabel Allende's beloved character Eva Luna, a "distinctive, powerful, and haunting" (Los Angeles Times) collection of short fiction by one of the most iconic and acclaimed writers of our time. Eva Luna is a young woman whose powers as...
This is an anthology of ten short stories dealing with a broad range of Spanish American literary themes: love, hate, vengeance, justice, oppression and solidarity. A reading guide offers tips for reading in Spanish and provides guidelines for predicting a story's major events...
Eva Luna -- amante, revolucionaria, narradora -- reclinada en la cama con su amante, le cuenta una historia "que nunca ha contado antes a nadie," en veintitres vivdos y fascinantes relatos sobre guerrilleros y nigromantes, seductores y tiranos, diplom ticos y acr batas. En esta...
An intoxicating collection of short fiction by one of the most beloved writers of our time.Eva Luna is a young woman whose powers as a storyteller bring her friendship and love. Lying in bed with her European lover, refugee and journalist Rolf Carl , Eva answers his request for...
Eva Luna -- amante, revolucionaria, narradora -- reclinada en la cama con su amante, le cuenta una historia "que nunca ha contado antes a nadie," en veintitres vivdos y fascinantes relatos sobre guerrilleros y nigromantes, seductores y tiranos, diplomáticos y acróbatas. En...