Every child just wants to live a normal life, but regular bed-wetting can be embarrassing for both a child and the parents. The basic causes of bedwetting are remarkably consistent, yet how these causes evolve can be different for every child. Stop Washing the Sheets is a comprehensive guidebook for parents that shares practical advice on how to cure bedwetting with a proven, patient friendly and step-by-step, behavioral therapy approach.
Dr. Lane Robson, a paediatrician with more than forty years of experience helping thousands of children and their families overcome bedwetting issues, offers suggestions on how to prevent bedwetting and provides enlightening information about the effects that diet, stress, schedules, and family interaction may have on a child who wets the bed. Through a real life case study, Bobby, an eight-year-old who wets the bed, Dr. Robson explains why some children do not wake up to use the bathroom, why bladders do not hold enough, and why kidneys make more urine than the bladder can hold. Included are tips for improving bladder and bowel health, and nutrition and hydration guidelines.
Dr. Robson's simple guidelines and established techniques will help parents of a bedwetting child to Stop Washing the Sheets and begin paving the road to dryness.