Ever heard the expression"Don't knock it till you've tryed it"? Well that should apply here. All the people who love this book: Have you played a lot of videogames? No, you say? Many people have this idea that most videogames are"Run around and shoot anything that moves" type of games. First off, there are many genres other then action: Racing, Sports, Adventure, Puzzles, RPGs,etc. Second off, even most action games involve...
This book is direct and to the point demonstrating how our society is being taught to accept violence and killing. Those who would ignore root problems and chose to look at symtoms of the issues of violence and killing take the simplistic view of placing blame on firearms and not at the mindset of people who wield the firearms. More importantly is why people, especially young people, are so quick to turn to violent and...
As a person interested in martial arts/proactive personal protection, the psychological and physiological responses to critical incidents and having had the opportunity to study the research of/work with several the best masters and combat instructors in the world; one who has worked in pubs and has had to short circuit, defuse and quell many brawls; a teacher who has worked with a large number of students considered...
I have always been on of the many who have rolled our eyes when people take up arms against media violence. I have said time and again that it is the parent's responsibilty, not the entertainment industry's, to monitor what their children watch, read, see and do. To some degree, I still believe that holds true. However, this book has given me great cause to think about those ideas. It was extrremely well written and researched...
As a former reporter, I'm probably conditioned to be skeptical of claims that media violence is a problem. I was skeptical until I heard Colonel Grossman, then read his book. There is no doubt in my mind that Grossman is substantially right in his assertions. I now work for Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan, who, after consulting with Grossman, successfully urged at least two national chains, Sears and Montgomery Ward,...