Stone in a Sling is the real-life story of a modern soldier. Serving from 1980 to 2005, Scott Meehan was what is known colloquially as a Maverick or a Mustang; a soldier who started out as an enlisted man and later became an officer. With an amazing career that spans 25 years, he rose from the ranks of a Private E1 to Major. During his tenure he saw more than his share of amazing events - from surviving a terrorist attack in Colombia to meeting the girl of his dreams in the Amazon jungles of Ecuador.
In this intriguing and insightful memoir, the former American military intelligence officer goes beyond traditional Cold War espionage tales to tell about his encounters with the Soviets in East Berlin, interrogations with Iraqi prisoners during Desert Storm, the internal struggle to get better armor for troops during Operation Iraqi Freedom, and how relationships with the Iraqi people ultimately led to the capture of Saddam Hussein.
This is truly a military experience that you will not want to miss.