I was yanked out of the field in Vietnam to come home on emergency leave because Dad had a heart attack. I had on khaki uniform, jump boots and a Green Beret. A civilian drinking coffee beside me asked me where I was serving. When I replied "Vietnam" he turned and stared. "You guys are all screwed up," he said. Then he picked up his coffee and moved down the counter. He continued to shoot curious glances at me. Waiting for...
This is a real stand up and cheer book for Vets and their friends and families. A two-tour Army Nurse friend recommended it the last time I sent her an email ranting about Wannabees and fakes, and I am most grateful for the suggestion. Thanks, Chris.At a time when Vietnam Vets are finally beginning to receive something like the respect and recognition that they always deserved, this is the time to wage war on those who would...
Several recent reviews have cast serious aspersions on Burkett's research and honor. That is ironic, given that "Stolen Valor" was given the Colby Award for Outstanding Military Book and that Burkett himself was presented with the U.S. Army's highest civilian award, the Distinguished Civilian Service Award, by former President George H.W. Bush on December 1, 2003. Such recognition is hardly indicative of poor scholarship!The...
Every journalist, editor, and TV producer should read Stolen Valor. Hopefully that would keep them from interviewing and featuring the scruffy looking liars, fakers, and "wannabees" in camouflage fatigues covered with patches, pins, and unearned medals when they want to interview a Vietnam veteran. Too many journalists pass on to their readers--and preserve for posterity--whatever lies they are told about secret missions behind...
Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of It's Heroes and It's History is a powerful piece of investigative journalism.The book begins with an account of the building of the Texas Vietnam Memorial and co-author B.G. Burkett's year "in country" during the Vietnam War and his return to the United States. While the veterans of World Wars 1 and 2 and Korea were considered to be heroes, the Vietnam Veteran was...