Written by Elizabeth Prentiss and first published in 1869 in installments, "Stepping Heavenward" is the fictional coming of age story of a young Christian girl named Katherine. The novel tells the story of Katherine's life through a series of journal entries beginning when...
Stepping Heavenward, written by Elizabeth Prentiss in 1869, is a timeless classic about a young woman's journey of faith and growth. The main character, Katy, is a young woman who is determined to become a better Christian and to live a life that is pleasing to God. Through...
First published in 1869, this classic from Elizabeth Prentiss follows a young girl on the verge of womanhood as she discovers what true happiness is and how it is to be obtained. Written as a diary account over the course of several years, this story follows Katherine on her...
Special Large Print edition with easy-to-read text of Elizabeth P. Prentiss' classic work.