Now that many schools around the country have moved their start date to before Labor Day, this edition concentrates on August days.
Using monthly themed events as a springboard and the maker movement for inspiration, kids build cross-curricular connections as they explore STEM - Science, Technology, Math and Engineering.
Primarily aimed for students in grades two through grade six, these engaging lessons and projects are easily adopted and adapted for learners of all ages. The projects and poetry lessons have been classroom-tested and provide enjoyable learning experiences in a variety of learning environments: home schooling; after-school programs; scouting; gifted and talented programs; extra-curricular clubs; adult ESL classes; and senior citizen activities.
Included are STEM/STEAM lessons, projects and poetry for the month of August and Back to School activities. The format and journals are your guide to take you throughout the year. Drawing on the inner poet in every child and the "let me do-it-myself" nature inherent in all learners, the activities and lessons integrate the Arts and give STEAM to your STEM initiatives. Budding scientists, mathematicians and engineers will practice creative and inventive thinking skills as they develop throughout the year.
Although these units of study focus on STEM, students love the core poetry lessons and learning about famous poets and their poems. From our teaching experience, we have learned that some teachers are uncomfortable introducing how to write poetry. You will be amazed how easily these classroom-tested activities will assist young poets discover the joy of writing their own poetry.