Originally published in 1904, Stella Fregelius: A Tale of Three Destinies centers an unconventional love triangle between a man, his cousin and an unexpected beauty. It's a complex drama that explores the power of love in the most unusual circumstance. Morris...
Setting aside the exotic action-adventure tales that were long his stock in trade, acclaimed author H. Rider Haggard explores the realm of the supernatural in the bone-chilling romance Stella Fregelius. When an eccentric inventor falls head-over-heels in love, he foresees nothing...
Originally published in 1904, Stella Fregelius: A Tale of Three Destinies centers an unconventional love triangle between a man, his cousin and an unexpected beauty. It's a complex drama that explores the power of love in the most unusual circumstance. Morris...
Sir Henry Rider Haggard KBE (1856-1925) was a Victorian writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations. After failing his army entrance exam he was sent to a private 'crammer' in London to prepare for the entrance exam for the British Foreign Office, for which he never sat...
Stella Fregelius: A Tale of Three Destinies is a novel written by H. R. Haggard, a well known British writer. It is a mysterious romantic novel, mingling the fate of three persons, inventor Morris Monk, his cousin Mary Parson and Stella Fregelius. It is a complex drama that emphasises...
Complete and unabridged paperback edition. Stella Fregelius: A Tale of Three Destinies is a 1904 novel by British writer H. Rider Haggard about a young inventor who falls in love with a mysterious stranger while he is engaged to another woman. As a novelist,...
Setting aside the exotic action-adventure tales that were long his stock in trade, acclaimed author H. Rider Haggard explores the realm of the supernatural in the bone-chilling romance Stella Fregelius. When an eccentric inventor falls head-over-heels in love, he foresees nothing...
In this mesmerizing tale, a brilliant scientist creates a machine that can record and play back human emotions. But when his wife dies, he becomes obsessed with bringing her back, leading to a dramatic and unforgettable climax. Fans of science fiction, romance, and adventure...
In this mesmerizing tale, a brilliant scientist creates a machine that can record and play back human emotions. But when his wife dies, he becomes obsessed with bringing her back, leading to a dramatic and unforgettable climax. Fans of science fiction, romance, and adventure...