KEY MESSAGE: Building on a long tradition of strong pedagogy and comprehensive presentation, The Cosmic Perspective, Fifth Edition includes an enhanced art program. This student-friendly book is now even more accessible through robust visual pedagogy via new Cosmic Context two-page...
0321931483 / 9780321931481 Cosmic Perspective, The: Stars and Galaxies & MasteringAstronomy with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card Package Package consists of: 0321840925 / 9780321840929 MasteringAstronomy with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for The Cosmic Perspective...
KEY MESSAGE: Building on a long tradition of strong pedagogy and comprehensive presentation, The Cosmic Perspective, Fifth Edition includes an enhanced art program. This student-friendly book is now even more accessible through robust visual pedagogy via new Cosmic Context two-page...