1. Introduction
2. The beginnings of change3. My time to get involved
What were the sweetgrass basket community needs?
4. Getting to the grass roots of cultivation
First site of large scale sweetgrass plantings - Palm Key Resort, Ridgeland, SC
5. Getting more involved
Low Country Sweetgrass Preservation Society
6. Sweetgrass Utopia in the Southeast - Little St. Simon's Island
Little St. Simon's Island history
An amazing sweetgrass habitat
7. Getting to know the basketmakers
Mt. Pleasant Basketmakers' Association interaction
Perceived horticultural challenges
8. Sweetgrass Culture Workshop Oct. 24, 1992
9. The concept of large scale sweetgrass plantations
Grand scale experiments and perceived problems
12. Alternative ways to access sweetgrass
Dependence on private beachfront communities to allow access to sweetgrass
Municipal/ commercial plantings
Restoring natural habitats along SC beaches
Army Corps Engineers Dune Vegetation Shore Protection Project
Sweetgrass planting logistics at Folly Beach, SC
Folly Beach sweetgrass planting locations
Folly Beach sweetgrass development over the years
Grand Strand sweetgrass project
Grand Strand sweetgrass planting locations
The happy ending to a long struggle
13. Sweetgrass biology
Sweetgrass botany...what's in a name?
14. Sweetgrass horticulture -environmental considerations
Distribution in the US and habitats
Plant longevity
Heat/drought tolerance
Pest pressures
Fertility responses
15. Seedling cultural practices
Clump separation to produce sweetgrass plugs
Seed germination and seedling culture
When to seed
Seeding the media
Seedling fertilization
Seedling watering
Seedling hardening
What is a "quality" sweetgrass transplant?
What are the problems in growing sweetgrass transplants?
Low light
Seeding only a few seeds per container
Over seeding
Too short a greenhouse growth period
Excessively long leaf production
17. Concluding thoughts
What mysteries are left to unravel?
18. Afterthoughts