St. Matthew the Evangelist, a tax collector originally named Levi, was called by Jesus to become one His Disciples. Renamed Matthew ("Gift of Yahweh") by Jesus and writer of the Gospel of Matthew, he is the patron saint of accountants, bankers, tax collectors, civil servants,...
St. Matthew the Evangelist, a tax collector originally named Levi, was called by Jesus to become one His Disciples. Renamed Matthew ("Gift of Yahweh") by Jesus and writer of the Gospel of Matthew, he is the patron saint of accountants, bankers, tax collectors, civil servants,...
St. Matthew the Evangelist, a tax collector originally named Levi, was called by Jesus to become one His Disciples. Renamed Matthew ("Gift of Yahweh") by Jesus and writer of the Gospel of Matthew, he is the patron saint of accountants, bankers, tax collectors, civil servants,...