St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787) is one of the most renowned spiritual writers in the history of the Catholic Church. His many works on moral theology, prayer, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and more earned him the title Doctor of the Church less than a century after his death. This succinct, easy-to-read book - which includes anecdotes from the author's own reversion story - presents, in an engaging manner, many of this beloved saint's most profound insights. Part memoir, part spiritual treatise, St. Alphonsus for the 21st Century will help those who are seeking to grow in holiness unite their wills to God's Will.
"In a moment of great crisis in the Church, in which all the gifts of which St Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori shone seem canceled, discredited and derided by modern clerics and prelates, Stephen Kokx shows us how holiness, which finds in God his own life-giving principle and his own ultimate goal, is the Christian's only way of being, the only possible way to Heaven. This book allows us to rediscover the relevance of the example of St. Alphonsus and the perpetual youth of the Church of Christ: let us strip ourselves of the old man, therefore, and put on the new man." -
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan , Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
"It has been said that St. Alphonsus de' Liguori took the spiritual principles of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross and made them understandable to the average person on the street. Stephen Kokx does something similar: starting with his own experience, he shows how St. Alphonsus' teachings can be applied to life in the 21st century." -
Fr. Alphonsus Maria Krutsinger, CSSR