Foreword by Robert Morris If Jesus needed help, we all do. Spirit-Filled Jesus explores the role of the Holy Spirit in and through the life of Jesus, revealing aspects of His life that...
When Jesus needed help, He went to the Helper. Where do you go?
"Spirit-Filled Jesus" presents an inspiring exploration of how the Holy Spirit worked in and through the life of Jesus, offering fresh perspectives and unexamined aspects of His life. The book proposes that the same Spirit that empowered Jesus resides in every believer and is...
Cuando Jes s necesitaba ayuda, l acud a al ayudador. A qui n acude usted? Si Jes s necesitaba ayuda, todos nosotros tambi n. Jes s lleno del Esp ritu explora el papel del Esp ritu Santo en y a trav s de la vida de Jes s, revelando aspectos de la vida de l que...