Spartacus the Cat is a true story of a nine-month-old kitten finding his way to the front garden of a family in Gilles Plains in April 2016. The kitten was homeless and hungry and sat at the home of the Duthie family, as Jasmine's cat, Ginger, looked well-fed and thought he could get a feed. Ben found the cute kitten and called him Jeff and quickly learned trust was an issue through many hisses, scratches, and bites. Jeff's name was changed to a more suitable name - Spartacus, and it didn't take long until Sparty trusted the family and started sleeping on their beds. The cat has a great sense of humour, giving the family, including father John often laughed because Spartacus was funny. John wrote the book and created illustrations with the help of a few AI bots. The illustrated book is suitable for children aged ten and under.