Introduction "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportions." -Francis Bacon, Of Beauty, 1880 In the context of above quote, it gives reason to believe that perfection is a most difficult thing to achieve. However, we always desire to accomplish ideal of any phenomenon. But when it comes to attain desired physical appearance, it becomes a challenge. The individuals put their efforts to follow those ideals and standards of looks which are associated with psychological state of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The journey of body image starts in the context of evaluating one's body, appearance or look to match a certain desirable standard in a socio-cultural context. In philosophical literature, the 'body image' concept has been defined as a consciousness of different levels and forms, in which the body can be seen as one's object of consciousness. Gallagher (2005), defines the concept of 'body image' as a "system of perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs pertaining to one's own body" and it implies some degree of consciousness, even if implicit or, in some cases, pre-reflexive. Very often, people can express the fact that they are not fully aware of the way they are perceiving their bodies. In Indian tradition, it is assumed that body and mind work in harmony. Body is a physical entity but it has psychological importance in terms of evolution, experiences, competencies, and success in life. Body is a physical object but we live life through it and our experiences depend on it. Mind helps body to realize its status and experiences. In materialistic world, body is understood as a goal, however many times it is used as a tool too to achieve some goals. Body can be used for attaining spirituality. In Indian system, Yoga is a systematic method of practice to connect mind and body into a coherent system. It has been implicated in studies that yoga helps in improving positive body image (Rani & Rao, 2005). The body holds capacity to undertake a variety of activities and keeps life going. Although it is material in its constitution, it carries extraordinary potential to perform various fiats and achieve many goals. It has been very aptly said that the body is the key to conduct rightful actions: Sharirmadhyam khalu dharm sadhanam,
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