Venture deep within Khaos ridden derelict space ships to find strange tech and meet new Xenos. AND KILL THEM
Space Bulk is a random generator supplement to build wild locations to pit scumdog adventure parties up against. Tons of additional content that can also be added to adventures that take place on Neo-Terraxx and beyond Simple roll ups for where the Space Bulk is located, what's in the rooms, and even down to what is the room's layout. Time to get SCI-FI Toss on a space suit, set your blasters to FUN and begin the countdown Just make sure you make it back to the planet in one-non mutated piece
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE Included at no extra cost is an ENTIRE adventure The Screamin' Banshee space truck has been missing for hundreds of years and all of the sudden it has appeared in Neo-Terraxx's Space. It's up to the "brave" scumdogs to embark with a Government team to get up there and find out what happened.
84 pulse-pounding pages of content for the critically acclaimed game Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland
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