Sowing and Reaping (1876) is a novel by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. One of the first novels published by an African American woman, Sowing and Reaping is a story of friendship, romance, and tragedy that advocates for temperance nationwide. Originally published...
""Sowing and Reaping: A Temperance Story"" is a novel written by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. The story revolves around the life of a young girl named Vine, who is raised in a poor family. Despite her difficult circumstances, Vine is determined to make a better life for herself...
"Sowing and Reaping" from Frances Harper. African-American abolitionist, poet and author (1825-1911).
Sowing and Reaping (1876) is a novel by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. One of the first novels published by an African American woman, Sowing and Reaping is a story of friendship, romance, and tragedy that advocates for temperance nationwide. Originally published...
Sowing And Reaping: A Temperance Story is a novel written by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper that tells the story of a young girl named Kate who lives with her mother in a small village. The novel explores the dangers of alcoholism and the importance of temperance in society. Kate's...