In his first novel, Saint-Exup?ry pays homage to "those elemental divinities--night, day, mountain, sea, and storm," turning an account of a routine mail flight from France to North Africa into an epic rendering of the pioneer days of commercial aviation. The book is also...
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUP?RY (1900-1944). Intens?ment impliqu? dans les premi?res ann?es de l?aviation commerciale, ses romans sont intimement li?s ? ses exp?riences en tant que pilote. Employ? par la compagnie Lat?co?re, il s?en chargera du courrier de Toulouse au S?n?gal, parcours...
In his first novel, Saint-Exupery pays homage to those elemental divinities-night, day, mountain, sea, and storm, turning an account of a routine mail flight from France to North Africa into an epic rendering of the pioneer days of commercial aviation. The book is also a poignant...