Frederick Perez is the author of his first and only book. He worked for most of his adult life as a mechanical engineer on Apollo-related projects including the capsule and lunar seismometer. He is the holder of many foreign and domestic patents. Twice married and twice widowed and now blessed with progeny from both marriages, including nin grandchildren scattered throughout the US and the UK.
This book is his memoir of a time forgotten by most. A time when there were no antibiotics, when you could die from the flu. When the air was palpably polluted by coal-fired power plants. When pandemics were the normal such as polio. When racists and warmongers existed, much like today. When there were no supermarkets, only great butcher shops, greengrocers, and real bakeries. When teachers were dedicated to their students and their communities. When morality was taught at home by a father who had lived in the worst of times and places.