The Newbery Medal-winning classic novel about the courage and faith--and the love of a dog--that give a family strength in the face of inhumanity. The boy knows that times are tough for his family. Every night, his father goes out hunting with...
Est? por finalizar el Siglo XIX. Para los Estados Unidos de Am?rica ha sido un per?odo violento; el pa?s reci?n comienza a recuperarse de una sangrienta guerra civil. Una familia sure?a apenas sobrelleva su penosa situaci?n econ?mica. El padre est? totalmente desesperado porque...
Sounder is a remarkable story, compassionate, powerfully moving, showing the qualities of dignity and endurance at their highest, in both man and beast. A memorable dog story, it is also the chronicle of a man, a woman, and a boy, equally hard to forget. . . . Sounder...
The Newbery Medal-winning classic novel about the courage and faith--and the love of a dog--that give a family strength in the face of inhumanity. The boy knows that times are tough for his family. Every night, his father goes out hunting with their...
A young boy's world is shattered when his father, a poor black sharecropper, is jailed for stealing food for his family
From the South comes this compelling story of a family of black sharecroppers and their coonhound, Sounder. When the family goes hungry, the father steals a ham and is later sent to jail. Uncertain where his father has been imprisoned, the oldest son begins a frantic search that...