First released in 1995, this spiritual classic continues to be a best-seller, as thousands each year accept Marjorie Thompson's invitation to the Christian spiritual life. Offering a framework for understanding the spiritual disciplines and instruction for developing and nurturing...
Soul Feast is a book for seekers who wish to explore the riches of Christian spirituality. Marjorie Thompson offers a framework for understanding and nurturing classic spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, spiritual reading, self-examination, worship, and hospitality...
First released in 1995, this spiritual classic continues to be a bestseller, as thousands each year accept Marjorie Thompson's invitation to the Christian spiritual life. Offering a framework for understanding the spiritual disciplines and instruction for developing and nurturing...
First released in 1995, this spiritual classic continues to be a bestseller, as thousands each year accept Marjorie Thompson's invitation to the Christian spiritual life. Offering a framework for understanding the spiritual disciplines and instruction for developing and nurturing...