Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break is the eighth in the series of ten illustrated children books with Spanish/English parallel text. The series is specifically designed to help bilingual children achieve higher levels of curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion, while...
"Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by Author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by Artist Damon Danielson. This is the story of Sophia and Alex grocery shopping with their mother and little sister. As...
"Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by Author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by Artist Damon Danielson. This is the story of Sophia and Alex grocery shopping with their mother and little sister. As...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries follows our two main characters to the grocery store to shop with Mom. This 32-page beautifully illustrated picture book helps children spur imagination as they venture through the aisles of a grocery store. Advance Books is a publisher...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries follows our two main characters to the grocery store to shop with Mom. This 32-page beautifully illustrated picture book helps children spur imagination as they venture through the aisles of a grocery store. Advance Books is a publisher...
"Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by artist Damon Danielson. This is a story of Sophia and Alex shopping with their mother and little sister. As they walk...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries follows our two main characters to the grocery store to shop with Mom. This 32-page beautifully illustrated picture book helps children spur imagination as they venture through the aisles of a grocery store. Advance Books is a publisher...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries follows our two main characters to the grocery store to shop with Mom. This 32-page beautifully illustrated picture book helps children spur imagination as they venture through the aisles of a grocery store. Advance Books is a publisher...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries follows our two main characters to the grocery store to shop with Mom. This 32-page beautifully illustrated picture book helps children spur imagination as they venture through the aisles of a grocery store. Advance Books is a publisher...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries follows our two main characters to the grocery store to shop with Mom. This 32-page beautifully illustrated picture book helps children spur imagination as they venture through the aisles of a grocery store. Advance Books is a publisher...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries follows our two main characters to the grocery store to shop with Mom. This 32-page beautifully illustrated picture book helps children spur imagination as they venture through the aisles of a grocery store. Advance Books is a publisher...
Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break is the eighth in the series of ten illustrated children books with Russian/English parallel text. The series is specifically designed to help bilingual children achieve higher levels of curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion, while...
Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break is the seventh in the series of ten illustrated children books with Spanish/English parallel text. The series is specifically designed to help bilingual children achieve higher levels of curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion,...
Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break is the eighth in the series of ten illustrated children books with Hindi/English parallel text. The series is specifically designed to help bilingual children achieve higher levels of curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion, while...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries Break is the eighth in the series of 11 illustrated children books. The series is specifically designed to help children excel socially, emotionally and academically in school and at home with family and friends. Reading the books stimulates...
Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break is the eighth in the series of ten illustrated children books with German/English parallel text. The series is specifically designed to help bilingual children achieve higher levels of curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion, while...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries follows our two main characters to the grocery store to shop with Mom. This 32-page beautifully illustrated picture book helps children spur imagination as they venture through the aisles of a grocery store. Why is reading important...
Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break is the eighth in the series of ten illustrated children books with Filipino/English parallel text. The series is specifically designed to help bilingual children achieve higher levels of curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion,...
Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries Break is the eighth in the series of 11 illustrated children books with Portuguese/English parallel text. The series is specifically designed to help bilingual children excel socially, emotionally and academically in school and at home with...
"Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by Author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by Artist Damon Danielson. This is the story of Sophia and Alex grocery shopping with their mother and little sister. As...
"Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by Author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by Artist Damon Danielson. This is the story of Sophia and Alex grocery shopping with their mother and little sister. As...
"Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by Author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by Artist Damon Danielson. This is the story of Sophia and Alex grocery shopping with their mother and little sister. As...
Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break is the eighth in the series of ten illustrated children books with Chinese/English parallel text. The series is specifically designed to help bilingual children achieve higher levels of curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion, while...
"Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by artist Damon Danielson. This is a story of Sophia and Alex shopping with their mother and little sister. As they walk...
"Sophia and Alex Shop for Groceries" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by Author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by Artist Damon Danielson. This is the story of Sophia and Alex grocery shopping with their mother and little sister. As...