"Sophia and Alex Go to Preschool" is the first of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by Author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by Artist Damon Danielson. The story takes our two main characters, fraternal twins Sophia and Alex, to their first day of preschool where they meet their new teacher, Miss Anna. The children learn about the classroom and the fun activities planned for the day with children of diverse backgrounds.
The 32-page illustrated book addresses separation anxiety, meeting and interacting with peers and adults, displaying appropriate behavior, and adapting to new environments through positive reinforcement. Children learn the social and communitive skills needed to succeed in a controlled learning environment.
Each book in the "Sophia and Alex" series draws on storylines based on common events found in the life of an early learner. Children relate to the multi-cultural characters and learn the art of acceptance and inclusion in school and home settings.Why is reading important to your child? Reading sparks imagination, stimulates cognitive development, boosts social skills, and increases communication proficiencies. At Children Bilingual Books, we endeavor to connect children of all ethnicities, races, cultures, and languages with the wondrous world that surrounds them. The Sophia and Alex series provides a pathway to a child's understanding of language and social interaction. Moreover, they're fun to read