"Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by Author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by Artist Damon Danielson. The theme of the book centers on Sophia and Alex experiencing family traditions and recognizing...
"Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by artist Damon Danielson. The theme of the book centers on Sophia and Alex experiencing family traditions and recognizing...
"Sophia and Alex Celebrate Winter Break" is one of eleven volumes in the "Sophia and Alex" series, written by Author Denise Bourgeois-Vance and illustrated by Artist Damon Danielson. The theme of the book centers on Sophia and Alex experiencing family traditions and recognizing...