Set in 1290 and 1291, Song of the Sea tells the tale of Thomas Carrow. Despite having been born in the village of Zennor on the north Cornish coast, he is shunned by the inhabitants after living with his uncle in Truro for many years due to the death of his parents. The villagers view him as an outsider and he lives alone in his parents' cottage with only his small dog, Shenty, for company.
Then one morning he discovers something washed up on the sands of the cove where he fishes and his life is changed irrevocably. Meanwhile, rumours and concerns relating to his activities grow amongst the villagers, some of whom voice their belief that he should be cast out. Will their voices be heard or will Thomas be left to live in peace?
Song of the Sea is both beautiful and haunting. A story of loss, loneliness and love, it is filled with intrigue and steadily builds to an astounding crescendo.
'Song of the Sea is very beautifully written, and it moved me to tears at the end. It is a champion of a novel' - Janis Pegrum Smith, author of The Book Ark series.
'Edwin Page's words are beautiful, eloquent, absorbing, and in places this novel is utter literary perfection. It is rare that I am surprised by a novel's ending, but this one took turns that I did not foresee, and became a novel I just could not put down... A very beautiful and extremely well written novel that I highly recommend' - Historical Novel Society
Editor's Choice, Cornwall Today magazine March 2015 issue.
Available in both paperback and Kindle formats.